Test Prep

We encourage students to face standardized tests head on. 

Entrance to top schools and merit money begins with GPA and high school course rigor. For many schools standardized test scores also play a large factor, which makes it worth the time and effort to prepare for these tests.

There is no magic, quick-fix to mastering standardized testing. It requires time and dedication, just like anything else in life. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Prepare.

Test anxiety often comes from lack of:

  • Familiarity with the test (sections and question types)

  • Confidence in abilities

  • Comfort with the academic material being tested

  • Endurance and speed (working under pressure for an extended period of time)

  • Self-knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses

Our test prep program and strategies work to overcome all of these hurdles. 

This is how we prepare students for standardized testing: 

Diagnostic testing:

Each student is required to take a virtually proctored practice test with us before customized tutoring begins. 

For students who are unsure of which test to prepare for, we suggest a full practice SAT and a full practice ACT. 

Customized Tutoring Plan

Once Diagnostic Test scores are analyzed, a customized tutoring plan is established. All tutoring is one-on-one.  It includes a complete overview of the format of each test, question types, testing strategies, skill instruction, and working through weak areas. Our customized and efficient prep package includes the virtually proctored practice test(s) and 5 virtual one-on-one one hour prep sessions. An average of 4 hours of homework is given between each session.

Pricing and Package Options